Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Believe Webb Was A Transformational Leader Essay

Throughout history, there have been various amounts of leaders and leadership styles. There have also been instances in American history where capable and influential leaders have been crucial to the formation of our nation. A very inspiring and motivating leader in American history is Alexander S. Webb. I believe that Webb was a transformational leader. Born on February 15th, 1853, in NYC, New York, Webb was raised in a house with military leaders. Attending the United States Military Academy in 1855, he continued his service until the yeah 1870 with many different accomplishments and goals met. He received recognition from men who have shaped the country today and made differences in the way men were led during combat. Throughout his military career, I believe Webb established a transformational leadership style. I also would like to obtain the sane leadership qualities he possessed and be able to apply them to my own career. Alexander S Webb, Brevet Major General Webb in the Army, is a leader worth looking up to and following. To begin with, Webb ranked 13 out of 34 when he graduated from the United States Military Academy. He had an excellent militarily lineage to look up to as well. Both his father and grandfather were active members in the Army. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Webb began to show all his leadership styles in front of many high ranks on different occasions. Through time, he gained the trust of higher ranks with his qualities and was promoted quickly.Show MoreRelatedI Believe Webb Was A Transformational Leader Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, there have been many different sorts of leaders and leadership styles. There have been many instances in American history where capable and influential leaders have been crucial to our nation’s history. A very inspiring and motivated leader in our history is Alexander S. Webb. I believe that Webb was a transformational leader. 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