Sunday, December 29, 2019

Examples Of Obstacles In A Midsummer Nights Dream

Love through its many obstacles in A Midsummer Nights Dream Love comes with many complications and faces many obstacles. Shakespeare clearly portrays illustrates these difficulties this them through various relationships in his play, ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’. The characters face different obstacles which affect their relationships negatively. In the play, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ the main obstacles that cause negative effects on love are the use of magic, the law, and misunderstandings as well as and false assumptions. The use of magic is a destructive obstacle that ruined relationships and changed the natural feelings of the characters. For example, An example of this would be in Act two, Scene two , when Lysander wakes up ,†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, the law was another problem obstacle that influenced affected love negatively. The Athenian law states that every woman must obey obey her father. â€Å"To you your father should be as a god.† (Shakespeare, 11). This quote states that to women, their father should be their God, only obeying him. and the only one they should obey. Hermia’s father, Egeus, refuses to allow to her to marry Lysander, as we wants her to marry Demetrius. Egeus uses using the power of the law over Hermia and this is is demonstrated when he says â€Å"As she is mine, I may dispose of her.† (Shakespeare, 11). Lysander and Hermia’s relationship is affected because Hermia must obey her father or face the consequences of the law. A dditionally, the law impacts affects the love between Hermia and Lysander because Egeus takes the issue to the Duke, Theseus. Theseus states; Upon that day either prepare to die For disobedience to your father’s will Or else to wed Demetrius, as he would; Or on Diana’s altar to protest. For aye austerity and single life. (Shakespeare, 13) Theseus only allows Hermia three options: to die, to obey her father’s wishes and wed Demetrius or to become a nun. The law was is an obstacle because it prevents Hermia and Lysander from being together. Moreover, the last main obstacle that has a negative effect on love is misconception and assumptions. For instance, the quote, â€Å"You thief of love; what, have you come by night/And stolen my love’s heart from him?†Show MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream1474 Words   |  6 Pagesconsistent and underlying concept of romance in each of Shakespeare’s plays and related movies. For instance, one could look at the movies A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Shakespeare in Love. The latter follows the life of William Shakespeare himself, everything from his love affair with Viola de Lesseps to his creation of Romeo and Juliet. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare’s, revolving around the tumultuous relationships of four lovers, aided, and sometimes thwartedRead MoreWeathering the Storms of True Love1159 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom the truth. Shakespeare presents the truth about true love in hi s comical tragedy A Midsummer Nights Dream. Lysander clearly stated loves situation when he told Hermia the course of true love never did run smooth (Griffiths 94). In some ways Lysanders declaration becomes the plays structural and thematic point by which Shakespeare uses to explore the storms of love (Bloom 12). In A Midsummer Nights Dream, Shakespeare uses young lovers to depict how love masters young people and pushes themRead MoreA Descriptive Bibliography Of Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream 1542 Words   |  7 PagesA Descriptive Overview of Shakespeare’s â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† William Shakespeare was born April 1564 and grew up in Strafford-upon-Avon. He wrote â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† in his early years as a playwright. He also wrote the play is a mixture of romance and comedy. It tells the story of four young people who fall in love with each other with the aid of magic. Shakespeare managed to create a dream world for the audience using the characters tied to a plot filled with antics andRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream1788 Words   |  8 Pages The role of love is introduced as a dominant theme in many of Shakespeare’s plays, but specifically in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Throughout the play, Shakespeare mocks the nature of love as he shows his main characters’ - Helena, Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius - struggle through difficult conflicts to ultimately be with the one they love. Although the course of their love did not go accordingly, the audience comes to find that love ultimately conquers all at the end of the play. Love’s definitionRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream1404 Words   |  6 PagesWritten in the mid 1590’s, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of William Shakespeare’s most delightful and eccentric pieces of work (The Life of William Shakespeare). While some of Shakespeare’s contemporaries disregarded the play as â€Å"insipid† and â€Å"ridiculous†, this romantic comedy has been successful in the theater from its first production to the present day† (Worthen 186). Shakespeare lived during the Elizabethan age, and during this era, learning and literature were thriving in London under QueenRead MoreEssay about Three Favorite Texts from This Semester591 Words   |  3 Pagesyou have to read. Whether it’s an advertisement board or letters you receive in the mail. Reading is a major part of life. It is a skill that everyone should contain. Three of my favorite texts that we have studied are Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Pyramus and Thisbe. Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite texts for several reasons. One reason is because it’s a play. I like to read plays because you get everyone’s opinions and how they view different scenarios. 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Examples of these lovers come from pairs like, Hermia and Lysander, Demetrius and Helena, Titana and Bottom, and Oberon and Titana. It seems that in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, ShakespeareRead MoreCommon Features of a Shakespeare Comedy1745 Words   |  7 Pagesprevalent in every Shakespeare comedy. Often, we are presented with sets of lovers who, through the course of the play, overcome the obstacles in their relationship and unite. Love in Shakespearean comedy is stronger than the inertia of custom, the power of evil, or the fortunes of chance and time. In all of these plays but one (Troilus and Cressida), the obstacles presented to love are triumphantly overcome, as conflicts are resolved an d errors forgiven in a general aura of reconciliation and maritalRead MoreThis Phenomenon Called Love2302 Words   |  10 Pagessuch as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness (Dictionary). But there are different types of love, and attitudes associated with it and commitment. Using William Shakespeares, A Midsummer Nights Dream, this document will illustrate demonstrations with the intention of proving the aspects of love and how both genders react to it. In this piece the topics that will be covered are when two individuals fall in love, their style of loving, the

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Historical Prevalence Of Bisexuality Essay - 1855 Words

The historical prevalence of bisexuality is hard to determine because same-sex sexual activity has traditionally been very stigmatized; furthermore bisexuality is often ignored in historical discussions of sexual orientation. Nonetheless, over the past few decades, the status quo with regard to same-sex sexual activity has changed drastically. The repeal of anti-gay laws and the 2003 supreme court decision Lawrence v. Texas which eliminated all remaining sodomy laws in the United States, the removal of homosexuality from its designation as a sexual disorder in the DSM, the existence of high-profile LGBTQ figures, and the push for, and legalization of gay marriage in the United States and other western countries have all been significant contributing factors toward the normalization of same-sex sexual activity. The general public has experienced increased exposure to the LGBTQ community, and as a result, acceptance of sexual minorities, including bisexual individuals, has grown. In spite of the progress toward acceptance of bisexual individuals, many people still view sexual orientation as dichotomous, which contributes to the erasure and/or invisibility of the bisexual community (Alarie Gaudet 2013). Some also perceive bisexuality as a â€Å"transitional identity† between heterosexuality and homosexuality, or believe that people who identify as bisexual are just too afraid to come out as homosexual (Israel and Mohr 2003; Alarie Gaudet 2013). Some studies haveShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of Sexual Orientation1293 Words   |  6 Pagesdimensions of sexual orientation, self-identification with the LGBQ community tended to underrepresent those reporting same-sex or both-sex attraction and behavior, resulting in discordance across items assessing sexual orientation and variable prevalence rates. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed. Keywords: sexual orientation, adolescence, LGBQ â€Æ' Assessing and Measuring Sexual Orientation in LGBTQ Research Sexual Orientation The World Health Organization (2006) definesRead MoreFilipino Adolescents in Changing Times*10342 Words   |  42 Pageslocal sociocultural context. In accordance with this, independent and interdependent self-construals were equally likely to be endorsed reflecting the multicultural face of Filipino society and youth. Socioeconomic development and sociopolitical and historical events in the country have likely resulted in a society and self that acknowledges and asserts the need for both autonomy and relatedness. Self-complexity was found to increase as a function of the adolescents’ age bearing out social cognitiveRead MoreEssay on Sexuality and Sexual Identity2559 Words   |  11 Pagescontinually be reestablished based on the current philosophy of what is acceptable at the time. The process of change through which certain deviations become labeled as normal or abnormal remains difficult to discern, becoming clear only when historical or social conditions permit#8230; (Bayer, p. 189). As we shall see, people in positions of power, have the ability to influence what society permits and sometimes we construct negative perceptions in our crusade to influence the rest of societyRead MoreWhy Homosexuality Is Abnormal And Homes11892 Words   |  48 Pagesways in which the populous human herd will be trimmed are best left to speculation. I should also note that nothing I have said shows bisexuality or sheer polymorphous sexuality to be unnatural or self-punishing. One might cite the Greeks to show that only exclusive homosexuality conflicts with our evolved reinforcement mechanism. But in point of fact bisexuality seems to be a quite rare phenomenon - and animals, who receive no cultural conditioning, seem instinctively heterosexual in the vast majority

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Complete Course free essay sample

Why do heuristics and biases play a major role in the success or failure of an IT project? What specific kinds are the most influential factors, in general and for your specific organization? How does organization culture play a role in the successful reliance on the Joint Application Development (JAD) process to identify and gather business requirements? Would JAD work in your company? Explain why or why not. BSA 375Week 1 Discussion Question 2 Based on Tallon and Scannell’s (2007) article, describe information life cycle management (ILM) and the relationship to the cost of storage. Based on Mitchell’s (2007) article, explain how Musicland stores were converted to the Trans World Entertainment system in 90 days. BSA 375 BSA 375Week 2 Discussion Question 1 What is enterprise-wide analytics technology, and how does it play a part in understanding business processes? What are the challenges in rolling out a business intelligence tool? b. What are some of the challenges associated with requirement elicitation? How does an iterative approach help that process? BSA 375Week 2 Discussion Question 2 Based on Perkin’s (2007) article, list five reasons why projects fail. Provide an example of a project failure. Based on Stotz’s (2007) article, why is it important to define adequately the use of a system? List five items a typical design document contains. BSA 375week 2 Individual Assignment Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1 Paper Individual Assignment: Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1 The final individual paper for this class is comprised of three sections and due in Week Four. One section of the paper is due each week. Complete Section 1 of 3 for the final paper due in Week Four. Using the Service Request SR-rm-004, analyze HR system, and prepare a 4-6 page paper that accomplishes the following: Describe the information-gathering techniques and design methods you would propose to use for the project. Identify the key factors that help ensure the information required for the project is gathered successfully. Explain the scope and feasibility of the project. Cite and discuss 3 to 4 references, in addition to the required readings, that are relevant to the assignment. Include citations and references using the approved style guide format. BSA 375Week 3 Discussion Question 1 What are the differences between the human-centered and user-centered approaches? Do you agree that human-centered approach is more effective? Explain why or why not. Describe the need for security measures in IT organizations and information systems. Consider potential risks as well as legal and ethical considerations for protecting data. BSA 375Week 3 Discussion Question 2 Based on the Geoff Keston (2009) article Scrum Project Management Techniques, how has Scrum influenced the design of Web-based applications? What are the implications of agile development on the traditional Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC)? Based on the Kirk Woodward (2009) article, how has Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) influenced the design of Web-based applications? What are the implications of using third-party application components to construct Applications on the traditional SDLC? BSA 375week 3 Individual Assignment Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 2 Paper Individual Assignment: Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 2 Paper Complete sections 2 of 3 for the final paper due in Week Four. This week’s assignment incorporates the transition from analysis to design. You may consider revising section 1 based upon faculty feedback. Prepare a 4-6 page paper that accomplishes the following: Describe the application architecture and process design. Include a high-level description of the security controls that you recommend for the design of this HR system. Apply the tools of systems analysis to describe the information system’s architecture in terms of data, processes, interfaces, and network. Draw the physical data flow diagrams. Use Microsoft Visio to prepare examples of flow charts and data flow diagrams. Cite and discuss 3 to 4 references, in addition to the required readings, that are relevant to the assignment. Include citations and references, using the approved style guide format. Submit section 2 of the final paper. BSA 375Week 4 Discussion Question 1 Is testing a distinct phase of a project, or does it come into play during other phases? Explain your answer. How might tools help the quality and effectiveness of testing? Based on Walsh’s (2007) article, explain why end-user satisfaction should be used in addition to return on investment (ROI) when measuring new systems. BSA 375Week 4 Discussion Question 2 Based on Davidson and Kumagai’s (2008) article, list three advantages and risks associated with open source software. BSA 375week 4 Individual Assignment Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 3 Paper – create using Riverpoint Individual Assignment: Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 3 Paper Complete section 3 of 3 for the final paper This week’s assignment incorporates the transition from design to implementation. You may consider revising sections 1 and 2 based upon faculty feedback. Prepare a 4-6 page paper that accomplishes the following: Describe the implementation stage for this project. Include a discussion on the six major activities for the implementation stage as described within the text: Coding. Testing. Installation. Documentation. Training. Support. The discussion on these six activities must describe how each activity would be specifically planned for the individual project situation. Discuss the benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for the implementation stage. Cite and discuss 3 to 4 references, in addition to the required readings, that are relevant to the assignment. Include citations and references using approved style guide format. BSA 375Week 5 Discussion Question 1 BSA 375Week 5 Discussion Question 2 BSA 375week 5 Learning Team Assignment Service Request SR-kf-013 Paper and Presentation Learning Team Assignment: Service Request SR-kf-013 (Due Week Five) Create a Learning Team Charter. Complete Service Request SR-kf-013. Develop Requirements for Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program. Prepare a 12-16 page paper and a PowerPoint ® presentation of the project, due in Week Five. Assume that the paper and the presentation are to be delivered to an executive management committee. At a minimum, the paper should include the following: Business objectives with supporting measures of success for the project Description of the current business process or system with identification of the scope or boundaries of the project Project constraints: finances, time, resources, and organizational policies or culture Business functional requirements Description of the new business process or system—use the process objectives model and the system objectives model Design requirements: input or output design, interface design, data model, and network model Cost-benefit analysis Learning Team Assignment: Service Request SR-kf-013 (Due Week Five) Review the Service Request SR-kf-013 for Kudler Fine Foods. Define the scope and stakeholders associated with the project. Identify the preliminary assignments and tasks for each group member. Create a detailed outline for each section of the paper. Draft the first 4-6 page section of the due in Week Five. Include the following: Statement of Scope and Goals: Specify what functions will be included in the project. Identify the goals—include accomplishments, not a solution. Supporting Measures for Success: Specify tangible measures for determining the relative degree of success of the completed project. The measures must correlate with the goals specified in the first section of this deliverable. Learning Team Assignment: Service Request SR-kf-013 (Due Week Five) Draft the next 4-6 page section of the due in Week Five. This should include: Determination of Requirements: Identify specific analysis methods used to determine user needs. List of Confirmed Requirements: Categorize each system requirement identified for the Week Two deliverable as mandatory or optional. Proposed System Process View: Provide a flowchart of the proposed process. Functional Allocation Modeling: Specify how each proposed system function would be allocated in terms of the required hardware, software, and Human-Computer Interface (HCI). Logical Model of the System: Provide a high-level logical data flow diagram of the proposed system. Learning Team Assignment: Service Request SR-kf-013 (Due Week Five) Draft the next 4-6 page section of due in Week Five. This must include: Preliminary Design Model: Provide a diagram that illustrates the overall logical information architecture. Design Trade-off Approach: Specify the tradeoffs among cost, schedule, and performance. For example, a fast, inexpensive solution may not address performance requirements adequately. Detailed Design Process and Design Specifications: Specify separate recommended decisions for software design, hardware, and networks. Include resolution of HCI considerations. Physical Model of the System: Illustrate the recommended decisions in information architecture diagrams. Begin work on the PowerPoint presentation. Learning Team Assignment: Service Request SR-kf-013 Draft the final 4-6 page section of the paper. This should include: Testing Process Summary: Define a test plan or script that identifies major software functionality and hardware to be tested along with the required outcomes. Installation Process and Training Plan Summary: Provide a time line that identifies the specific steps—including training—and related resources required to implement the recommended system. Include a narrative explanation that includes a discussion on the effects of project constraints, such as time, conversion method, etc. and a description of the recommended training plan. Documentation Plan Summary: Specify and explain each type of documentation required for ongoing support—technical and user—of the proposed system. Support and Maintenance Plan Summary: Provide a plan that outlines responsibilities and related resources necessary to support and maintain the proposed system—software, hardware, and networks. Finalize the paper. Finalize the PowerPoint presentation.